Easy and effective email validation

Easy and effective email validation

Easy and effective email validation

Protect your brand's sending reputation by validating email addresses before you send.

Protect your brand's sending reputation by validating email addresses before you send.

Protect your brand's sending reputation by validating email addresses before you send.

By clicking "See Bird" you agree to Bird's Privacy Notice.

By clicking "See Bird" you agree to Bird's Privacy Notice.

Easy and efficient email validation

Easy and efficient email validation

Validate your emails the best way

Only send to real email addresses

Flexibility for your business

Collect only valid, quality addresses

Instead of using SMTP ‘pings’ which can hurt your IP reputation, we check addresses against our permissioned database to see if it’s been delivered to in the past - and how recently. 

Validate your emails the best way

Only send to real email addresses

Flexibility for your business

Collect only valid, quality addresses

Instead of using SMTP ‘pings’ which can hurt your IP reputation, we check addresses against our permissioned database to see if it’s been delivered to in the past - and how recently. 

Validate your emails the best way

Only send to real email addresses

Flexibility for your business

Collect only valid, quality addresses

Instead of using SMTP ‘pings’ which can hurt your IP reputation, we check addresses against our permissioned database to see if it’s been delivered to in the past - and how recently. 

Better deliverability through powerful analytics

Better deliverability through powerful analytics

We use our decades of email delivery and deliverability experience to give teams the unique proprietary data they need to drive a greater return on investment (ROI).

Fraud prevention

Prevent users from creating accounts with temporary email addresses to secure your app.

Protect sending reputation

Stop users from submitting preventable errors which can hurt your reputation as a sender.

Detect fake addresses

Make sure an email address actually exists before it gets submitted.

Validate emails on forms

Protect your data quality by screening emails on forms and suggesting fixes to mistakes.

Stop bounces before your revenue takes a hit

Easily validate contacts’ emails in bulk, or use APIs to validate emails the moment you collect them.

Validate emails the right way

Recipient Validation doesn’t use outdated SMTP ‘pings’ to validate addresses. Instead, we use our permissioned database to see if an address has been delivered to before.

Recipient Validation doesn’t use outdated SMTP ‘pings’ to validate addresses. Instead, we use our permissioned database to see if an address has been delivered to before.

Only send to real addresses

Our tool checks for typos, syntax, disposable emails, and valid domains so you only send to real addresses.

Flexibility for your business

Validate entire lists, individual addresses, or use our API to validate emails the moment you collect them.

Validate entire lists, individual addresses, or use our API to validate emails the moment you collect them.

Intuitive products

built for the Enterprise

Unrivaled scale

We process almost half a trillion Emails, SMS, and payments each month. Our scale means we have encountered all the pitfalls, and we'll help you avoid them.

In-depth access controls

The entire platform offers fine grained access controls that allow you to provision your workspace, it's users, and how you get billed with total control and flexibility.

World-class support

With Bird you gain direct access to a dedicated team of experience specialised that can help you migrate, scale, and optimize—whether it's cost, speed, or deliverability that you are looking for.

Global compliance

Our legal and compliance teams work directly with thousands of highly regulated enterprises on a daily basis to help them stay compliant both domestically and across borders.

Trusted by 25,000 customers

Matahari, the largest retail platform in Indonesia — managed to reach millions of customers with a delivery rate of 98%, and achieved conversion rates 2.5 times the industry average.

“We can reach more customers, more effectively and keep them better informed about new offers. This has helped us increase our conversion rates and sales.”

“We can reach more customers, more effectively and keep them better informed about new offers. This has helped us increase our conversion rates and sales.”

Tjhai A Eng, Marketing & Loyalty

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Your new standard in Marketing, Payments & Sales. It's Bird

The right message -> to the right person -> at the right time.

By clicking "See Bird" you agree to Bird's Privacy Notice.

Your new standard in Marketing, Payments & Sales. It's Bird

The right message -> to the right person -> at the right time.

By clicking "See Bird" you agree to Bird's Privacy Notice.

© 2024 Bird. All rights reserved.

Made with <3 in Amsterdam

© 2024 Bird. All rights reserved.

Made with <3 in Amsterdam

© 2024 Bird. All rights reserved.

Made with <3 in Amsterdam